Standalone Simulation Modules

Robotec team has extensive robotics and simulation expertise. Over last years we developed number of AV/ADAS simulation modules that can be plugged into any ROS2 enabled simulation infrastructure. Check our modules offer:


  • ROS2ForUnity

    ROS2ForUnity (R2FU) is the library for high performance integration of ROS2 ecosystem with Unity3D. Using R2FU you can simulate a fleet of vehicles or robots equipped with a variety of sensors. It allows your ROS2 packages to receive the simulated data with lower latencies, keeping frequency and behaving better overall with high throughputs than any other solution we know of.

    R2FU works as a self-contained Asset and can be used with Unity3D 2021.1.7f on Ubuntu 20.04 and Windows 10 (officially supported versions).
    R2FU is now fully open-source:

  • Digital Twin Generation

    For proper simulation of target environment, we created a semi-automatic pipeline for creation of digital copy of the scene based on 3D scans and architectural plans. To improve realism of the scene, geodata, satellite images and video recordings are used as well.

  • V2X Simulation

    As growing importance of connectivity in Automotive industry can be observed, we have created module for simulation of radio propagation in V2X communication, based on ITS-G5 standard. V2X Simulator is separate ROS2 module that duplicates the simulated environment and performs waves propagation modelling outside of the AV simulation. It can be easily integrated with any simulator with ROS2 interface.

  • GPU Lidar

    GPU based implementation of LIDAR sensor simulation. It uses hardware-accelerated raytracing in modern Nvidia GPU architectures. Our tests show that it provides double digit performance improvement over traditional CPU implementations. GPU Lidar can be easily integrated with any programming language thanks to a C-API.

  • Traffic Management System

    When it comes to fleet of autonomous machines, the system that efficiently manages the cooperation of all vehicles becomes crucial for achieving desired effect of automation. In Robotec.AI we are working on a software system that manages traffic in confined areas, but also optimizes the productivity of the entire operation.

  • Custom Modules

    Apart from pre-defined modules, offers any type of custom modules. In order to satisfy even the most unusual requirements, we can create various components that may be useful in software testing.